This is our first ever installment of “6 Questions For A…”! Each week, we’ll ask someone 6 career-centric questions about themselves.
Our debut subject is Alexis, a Los Angeles-based PR and influencer marketing manager who juggles many clients — including Lauren Berger herself! She recently made the jump from a full-time 9-5 corporate job to freelance. We thought she’d be the perfect person to kick off our first “6 Questions For A…”
1. Tell us about the kind of tasks are in a typical day in your role.
Well, having just taken the leap from a 9-5 job to freelance, every single day is different. One thing that does stay consistent however is checking emails first thing when I get on my computer. Other tasks are researching events, IG stalking (yes, this is part of my job!) and brainstorming ways to pitch influencers and press to best gain their interest.
2. What is your favorite part of your job?
I love that every day is different! One day can be full of research and pitching, and another can be filled with manual labor and putting together boxes full of goodies to send out to press. While some tasks are more daunting than others, I find it helpful and satisfying to mix up my workload, so I get a consistent change of pace. Pro tip: do the “hard work” first and reward yourself with some of your lighter, more exciting tasks later in the day or week. Your future self will thank you!
3. What are some challenges you face?
Getting motivated to start working can be hard for me. I find myself easily distracted especially now that I work remotely and have learned to adapt to a morning routine. I wake up early, drink coffee, shower, brush my teeth, and get changed — exactly as I would if I were going into an office. This helps me wake up and feel ready to tackle the day, even if I am just working from the comfort of my home.
4. Who inspires you and why?
My mom! So cheesy, but she has worked for 40+ years (since she was 18) as a high school teacher, and rarely if ever complains. It is a thankless job to teach and also a true testament to anyone’s patience and loyalty to be in one profession their entire career. She has taught me the importance of working hard, being independent and staying active. Work is important, but so is mental health and taking a walk or going on a bike ride after a long day behind a computer!
5. Share some advice to someone aspiring to be a PR and influencer marketing manager.
Take risks and say yes to new opportunities. When I graduated from college I had no idea what type of career I wanted to pursue. I am where I am now in my career by networking, asking questions and saying yes to new opportunities. Trust your path and if you realize you don’t like something, take that as a chance to explore something else that you may end up liking. It’s okay (and 100% normal) to not like a job or path you’re on, but you have to be willing to make changes and take risks to find something you will like.
6. What did you want to be when you grew up? How did that change over the years?
An Interior Designer! I rearranged and repainted my childhood bedroom, probably 100 times before I was 10 years old. While this still lingers in my mind as a potential career, I see it as more of a passion than a profession. I also would worry that clients would ask me to do something that wouldn’t align with my personal style, which I’m not sure I could handle! I am happy with where my career is now, but if I ever get the time (or energy) to start an interior design side hustle, I will be sure to let the world know!
To keep up with Alexis (and be the FIRST to know if she decides to go into interior design!), follow her on Instagram @alexisallanos.
Brittany is a social media content creator. Find her on Instagram @hibrittanyhigh.