Welcome back to “6 Questions For A…”! Each week, we’ll ask someone 6 career-centric questions about themselves.
This week’s post is with Intern Queen’s own Marketing Coordinator, Victoria Leonardo. Victoria was born and raised in New Jersey and still resides there today. (Fun fact: She lives in the same town where HBO’s monster Tony Sopranos house is!) She’s a self-proclaimed sporty Carrie Bradshaw with Brooke Davis attitude. You can catch her be-boppin to early 2000s music, spending her summers at Jersey Shore trying to convince the world it’s nothing like the show, or getting rowdy at a live-sports game.
1. Tell us about the kind of tasks are in a typical day in your role.
Everyday is different! That’s one of the things I love about my job because I would probably lose my mind doing the same thing every single day, five days a week. Work should be something you don’t dread going to, but instead, actually like. I’m one of Lauren Berger’s marketing coordinators! I mainly work with different college campuses across the country managing different campaigns on a daily basis from start to finish!
2. What is your favorite part of your job?
I’d say one of my favorite parts of my job is working with genuinely ambitious students everyday because I was once in their shoes, so it’s awesome seeing the “college Victoria” in them because I was an Intern Queen Campus Ambassador, too, when I was an undergrad at Penn State University. I have background in journalism which I am still very passionate about, so I love being able to put forward all that experience and knowledge into my work but in a different light. Plus I seriously love the the variety of clients we work with, they are big name brands!
3. What are some challenges you face?
I wouldn’t say there are “challenges” per say but more so small obstacles. There’s just not enough time in the day! There are some days where I’m juggling a bunch of things and working on different timezones. That’s why it’s so crucial to learn time management and working on a priority-basis. If you can conquer those two things, there’s no doubt in my mind you can conquer anything in the work place!
4. Who inspires you and why?
I come from a huge family so I’m definitely family-motivated more than anything else. My parents instilled strong work ethic and are business owners so I truly understand and appreciate the grind and true concept behind hustle! This is one of the main reasons I admire everything Lauren has done to build this empire for both Intern Queen and Career Queen. The second I met Lauren while I was in college I knew she was someone I wanted to network with, she’s a true “boss babe” and who are we kidding! She had FIFTEEN internships, that should speak volumes in and of itself — I only had six!
5. Share some advice to someone aspiring to be a Marketing Coordinator!
Always, always go the extra mile! I’m a firm believer that the little things you do in the work place but even life in general, goes a long way. I’m a huge advocate for note-taking, color coordinating and the usage of a planner, too! It is guaranteed to make your life easier as a marketing coordinator!
6. What did you want to be when you grew up? How did that change over the years?
For as long as I could remember, I’ve always wanted to be in front of the camera as a sideline reporter— I even have the home videos to prove it! Sports played a major part in my life. My dad was a college athlete and now coaches, my mom danced in college, and both my brother and I were three-season athletes growing up through high school. . I even played softball at Penn State! My career ambitions didn’t change until after I graduated and was already on path for conquering that goal. I realized to get to where I wanted to be would be a long road which I didn’t want anymore. So the “dream” didn’t go away, it just changed. One day I hope to own my own sports publication because there’s zero, notable media outlets by women for women when it comes to sports. The sports industry is also a very cosmetic industry, more so for women than it is men, which I know discourages many in different ways in pursuit of their dreams in sports. Plus, just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you can’t “one-up” a man with sports knowledge or love for the game!