Welcome back to our “6 questions” series where we ask someone 6 career-centric questions about themselves.
This week we’re chatting with Amy Alexander from Fabletics.
What is your current title and what does your job entail?
I am currently a PR & Brand Partnerships Coordinator at Fabletics. My role primarily consists of managing relationships with our brand ambassadors and their teams. Our program is relatively new so I’ve enjoyed getting to be a part of it from the start – negotiating new deals and onboarding these influencers. My job also allows me to build creative content calendars for our partners and measure the success of their posts in relation to our VIP membership model. My favorite perk? I get to approve cute content from influencers who I’ve always admired before it goes live!
What is the company culture like at Fabletics?
Did you always know you wanted a career in PR or when did you find that spark?
As a huge fan of Seventeen and Teen Vogue, I became fascinated by the world of PR during my teen years when I learned that there were whole teams of people pitching products to end up on the pages of these magazines that I devoured each month. I then selected PR as my major when I started at Boston University.
What is something most people wouldn’t expect about your job?
I think people often don’t realize how relationship-driven my job really is at the end of the day. Yes, there are contracts in place and KPIs to meet. However, I’ve found that the best content comes from the partners you treat as humans, not billboards for your brand. I’ve become genuine friends with many of our Fabletics partners; I’ve even been invited to attend an influencer’s wedding!
If you could go back and talk to the Amy from a few years ago, what would you say?
If I could go back in time, I’d tell myself to worry WAY less. In my early internships and jobs, I often feared that I was taking opportunities in too many different fields that didn’t align – from weddings to social media. Now, I’ve found that all of these experiences have proved important in some way or another, and I often find myself referencing those past experiences in my day-to-day life. I believe the best advice I could give to myself would be to select experiences that you’re passionate about and worry less about where they will lead.
What is your biggest advice for someone trying to get a job at Fabletics?
In addition to experience, Fabletics is always looking for a culture fit. In any interview, remember to be yourself and share the projects from your past that you enjoyed working on the most. Every company wants to see that spark!

Amy Alexander serves as a PR & Brand Partnerships Coordinator at Fabletics, where she supports the Fabletics Brand Ambassador Program. Previously, Amy worked in beauty and fashion
PR representing clients such as Mary Kay and Kitsch. In addition to influencer relations and traditional PR, Amy has a passion for event planning and is a Day-Of Wedding Coordinator in her spare time.