Welcome back to “6 Questions For A…”! Each week, we’ll ask someone 6 career-centric questions about themselves.
This week we’re chatting with Stephanie Hein, CEO of MakerGirl, a nonprofit organization that inspires girls to be active in STEM through 3D printing workshops.
Tell us about the kind of tasks that are in a typical day in your role.
My role involves a wide range of tasks because I am the only full-time employee but the main ones are managing projects that our university team members are working on, connecting with companies to ask about sponsorship, and planning and promoting our events.
What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of my job is working with both the university students who volunteer for our organization and the elementary school girls who attend our programming. I enjoy being able to mentor both groups and share with them opportunities that they didn’t know existed before their involvement with MakerGirl.
What are some challenges you face?
Because I work alone, one of the main challenges I face is keeping myself motivated and accountable, which can sometimes be difficult with no co-workers!
Who inspires you and why?
My younger sister Molly constantly inspires me. She somehow balances an engineering major, Division One athletics, and Army ROTC and she does it with the most amazing grace and humbleness. Even though she is younger than me, her leadership skills impress and inspire me and there is always something I can learn from her.
Share some advice to someone aspiring to be a CEO:
Put your team first!
What did you want to be when you grew up?
How did that change over the years? When I was younger, what I wanted to be when I grew up was constantly changing. I wanted to be everything from an artist and police officer to an anthropologist and veterinarian. It pretty much shifted based on the classes I was taking in school and which ones I was enjoying the most at the time. Looking back, I don’t think I could have ever imagined being in the role I am now!
Stephanie Hein is the CEO of MakerGirl, a nonprofit organization that inspires girls to be active in STEM through 3D printing workshops. She is passionate about education, science communication, and mentoring. When she is not working, she enjoys swimming, skiing, traveling, and hanging with her family!
Born and raised in Seattle, WA, Alexis now lives in sunny Los Angeles where she works as the Social Media Manager for Intern Queen. Aside from work, you can find her doing hot yoga, visiting friends in Seattle, or re-decorating her apartment. Say hi on Instagram!