Welcome back to “6 Questions For A…”! Each week, we’ll ask someone 6 career-centric questions about themselves.
This week we’re chatting with Lucia Balan, Lauren Berger and Intern Queen’s very own Executive Assistant. Lucia currently resides in Los Angeles. She loves coffee, being busy, and cuddling with her adorable cat. Lucia was born and raised Moldova and has lived in countless states across the US. While Lucia is usually busy with work, you can also find her enjoying weekends while skydiving or road-tripping up the coast to Big Sur.
Tell us about the kind of tasks in a typical day in your role.
Every day is different for me, and that’s what makes my job so interesting! I am Lauren Berger’s assistant and support and also help the Intern Queen team coordinate and arrange clients calls/meetings/events. I also help the Intern Queen Agency from a marketing perspective and make sure recaps and agendas are up to date.
What is your favorite part of your job?
Unpredictable tasks and not knowing what will happen at work tomorrow, also, the ability to meet new people.
What are some challenges you face?
Sometimes, I think there are not enough hours in a day for specific projects, but music helps with challenges and COFFEE!
Who inspires you and why?
Lauren, and my mom of course! Lauren is the only person I know that constantly has so much energy and positivity and is 100% dedicated to her work and team. My mom’s kindness is limitless and she is the person who supports me in everything.
Share some advice to someone aspiring to be an Executive Assistant.
Pay attention to details and make sure to take notes from every conversation. Also, there is a solution to every problem, so everything is POSSIBLE.
What did you want to be when you grew up? How did that change over the years?
I wanted to have my own coffee shop/bakery when I was in school. The passion for coffee still exists so you never know what may happen in the future! But, once I graduated, I saw myself in project management and being a part of different projects, which is what I do now, thanks to Intern Queen!